Testing your app's URL scheme the easy way
Last week, while testing some deep linking functionality in a mobile app, I was still testing this functionality like in the old days. Just typing the URL in Safari on my launched simulator.
Typed translation constants, a missing core iOS feature
As iOS developer, we all know how hard localization is out of the box. We have all translations available inside .strings files. A separate file for each supported language.
The Typed Translations SPM package will assist you with the generation of code from your base language .strings file.
Avoid default case for enums that are likely to change in future
We all know an enum is the preferred way in listing a defined set of constants.
ISO8601 DateTime parsing and formatting
Multiple times during your development career, you need to format given dates according to ISO 8601 specification. That’s a standard to specify date, time and zone.
Merge request versus Pull request
Depending on the git management application you use, one of these terms is very familiar to you.
Introducing the farmers pattern
Most likely, you never heard of this pattern, unless we worked together on a project. Curious to know more…
One year using git from terminal
Just some brief post to reflect on my change from using Git from SourceTree to using Git from a terminal. What did I miss the most this past year?
Swift module health
The following console application is created to verify the health swift modules by checking the component coupling like described in the the book Clean architecture by Uncle Bob.
25 post articles, 4 pages.