Speed up your development pipeline
On very large repositories, with a lot of files and history, downloading the git repository can take a lot of time. For most scenarios, like the CI pipeline for example, only the latest version of the files is sufficient. No need for a full local repository with all branches and history.
Optimize your commute trip
Commuting to work has a lot of health benefits. You can reach your move goal very easely and reduce stress levels at the very same time. The best part is even that you don’t need additional cardio time in the weekend or evening if you commute a lot. Todays advice could reduce your trip time or increase safety.
Open XCode workspace or project from terminal
When working on multiple projects and modules, I had the need to open XCode from the current directory in my terminal.
Git merge versus rebase
when we want to integrate changes from one branch into another branch, we basically have two options available. Both merge and rebase can do this job.
Producing your own milk kefir
We read a lot about probiotics and how good they are for us. They would boost our immune system and are related to the happiness hormone Serotine as well. That’s for me a good reason to include a glas of kefir each 2 or 3 days as good habit.
Replacing text in a file from a shell script
while automating a flow, it could come in handy to replace sometimes some text or the complete line in a configuration file. This can de done easely on your mac via a shell script with the use of the sed command.
Howto keep Git history clean
As developer, we want our code to be clean and structured. The same should count for our Git history. In order to keep your git history clean, git rebase is king!
My favorite terminal setup
As developer, the terminal isn’t something we can neglect. And since most of us use it a lot, we can optimize the terminal to our needs to make it an awesome experience.
25 post articles, 4 pages.